Sunday, June 8, 2014


            Finally, I have all my ducks in a row! When does that ever happen, anyway? I now have approval from all of my sponsors and involved parties to transport Talana from Virginia to Maine, to build her a stall in the barn, to graze her in the meadow behind the house, and to own her outright in my own name. So now I can get started with all the lovely little details of making those things happen! I like details. They keep me busy in those rare times when I have extra energy to spend on something that I can't make happen faster.
            I can tell that my mother is happy that I will have Talana with me, but sad to be letting her go. I can also tell that she want to mother me some more and tell me what I should and should not do with Talana. But, well, that's why Talana and me will be up here in Maine. I'm going to see how Talana goes in a sidepull halter, just because that's something I want to do. I'm happy to have her bridle around, too - I might even use it! But one of my favorite things about having her with me, here, is that my mother can say whatever she likes from down in Virginia, and I can still do what I'd like to do with my horse. Oh! It's so very exciting that she'll really be mine!
             I'm hoping I can get all the arrangements made to bring her up in the end of June/beginning of July. We will see what the shipper's schedule is like, and how quickly my preparations come together. 

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