Saturday, August 23, 2014

Beautiful Talana, all nice and relaxed

            While my previous post was all about training "issues" we've been having (or "opportunities," as I prefer to think of them), Talana is settling in very well indeed. She seems to enjoy the time I spend with her, and when I'm not right there with her, she's happily grazing or drowsing in the sun. I've even seen her using the tent to scratch an itch!
            I keep taking pictures and then comparing them to how she looked when she first stepped off the trailer. In my eyes, she's more beautiful every day she's here.

            Is that a hint of dappling I'm seeing? I keep thinking I can almost see it. She's never been dappled before, but maybe I can hope.

            She seems to always have this cheerful expression when I'm hanging out in the field with her. "Oh, hello human! Whatcha doin'? What's that thing you're holding, is it an apple? Can I sniff it?"

            Poor sunburned nose! I'm going to see if I can find some appropriate sunblock to put on it, because that looks really uncomfortable.

            I see some muscle there in her hind end! That wasn't there before. Chris Lombard is right, hills really make a difference. Our meadow is basically one big hill, with some steeper parts and some flatter parts. Any time we go down there, she has to work just because of the terrain. I have also noticed that she's walking more smoothly.

            The flowers here are wild oregano, or at least escaped oregano. It's all through our lawn. So far, Talana has been reluctant to eat it. I'm not sure if it tastes weird, or has a weird texture, or maybe she just doesn't want to argue with the bees, who really love those flowers. Or, perhaps, she is unwilling to eat something she does not recognize. That's ok. It smells nice when she trots through it.
            Her supplement has arrived, and I've started adding it to her feed. She doesn't seem to notice that it's there. I guess it will be a while before we see any changes that we can pin on the supplement, so now it's wait and see. I do think she looks pretty good right now, though! Everyone who has looked at her has exclaimed, "She's 29? Whoa!" I am glad that others think she looks good, too, including the vet who checked her out before she left Virginia.
            And really, I think she's the prettiest part of my world right now.

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